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何兆剑,凝聚态物理学博士。2005年6月本科毕业于武汉大学物理科学与技术学院,随后在武汉大学物理与科学技术学院直博,于2010年6月获得理学博士学位;2010年8月赴美国密苏里大学哥伦比亚分析从事博士后、副研究员工作,期间被吉首大学聘为柔性特聘教授。于2024年6月入职304am永利集团物理与电子科学学院物理系。主要从事声子晶体、声学人工结构材料和拓扑声学等研究,在《Physical Review Letters》、《Acs Nano》、《Physical Review B》、《Applied Physics Letters》等国际著名高水平SCI期刊上发表五十余篇学术论文,2012年获全国百篇优秀博士论文提名奖,主持国家自然科学基金两项、湖南省自然科学基金一项。
[1] 国自科:人工表面杂化结构固体板的声学特性和应用 (11304119,2014.01-2016.12);
[2] 国自科:弹性波在非对称人工固体结构中的单向输运性质研究(11764016,2018.01-2021.12);
[3] 省自科:声表面波在非对称周期性人工表面结构中的单向输运性质研究(2018JJ3412,2018-2021)。
1. J. Lin, Y. Qi, Z. J. He*(何兆剑), R. Bi, K. Deng, “Topological rainbow trapping of elastic waves in two-dimensional valley phononic crystal plates”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 2024, 124: 082202.
2. Y. Qi, Z. J. He*(何兆剑), K. Deng, J. Li, and Y. Wang, “Multipole higher-order topological semimetals”, Phys. Rev. B, 2024, 109: L060101.
3. Y. Li, P. Kong, B. Bi, Z. J. He*(何兆剑), K. Deng, “Valley topological state in double-surface periodic elastic phonon crystal plates”, 物理学报Acta Phys. Sin., 2022, 71:244302.
4. J. Wu, R. Hu, B Tang, X. Wang, H. Jia, Z. J. He*(何兆剑), K. Deng, “One-Way transimission and mode conversion of elastic waves by a hybrid phononic crystal structure”, Journal of Applied Physics, 2019, 125:215101.
5. J. Wu, X. Wang, B. Tang, Z. J. He*(何兆剑), K. Deng, H. Zhao, “Elastic metamaterial with simultaneously negative refraction for longitudinal and transverse waves”, AIP Advances, 2017, 7: 105309.
6. S. Ouyang, Z. J. He*(何兆剑), K. Deng, H. P. Zhao, “Acoustic one-way mode conversion and transmission by sonic crystal waveguides”, Journal of Applied Physics, 2016, 120:104504. (Cover Story)
7. W. Li, Z. J. He*(何兆剑), K. Deng, H. P. Zhao, “Acoustic extraordinary refraction in layered sonic crystals with periodic slits”, Results in Physics, 2016, 6: 165-169.
8. H. L. He, S. Ouyang, Z. J. He*(何兆剑), K. Deng, H. P. Zhao, “Broadband acoustic trapping of a particle by a soft plate with a periodic deep grating”, Journal of Applied Physics, 2015, 117:164504.
9. Z. J. He*(何兆剑), Y. Zhu, S. J. Chen, “Exploring the electrostatic energy landscape for tetraloop-receptor docking” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2014, 16: 6367.
10. Z. J. He*(何兆剑), S. J. Chen, “Quantifying Coulombic and solvent polarization-mediated forces between DNA helices”, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2013, 117: 7221.
11. K. Tian, Z. J. He*(何兆剑), Y. Wang, S. J. Chen, L. Q. Gu, “Designing a polycationic probe for simultaneous enrichment and detection of micromas in a nanopore”, ACS Nano, 2013, 7: 3962.
12. Z. J. He*(何兆剑), S. J. Chen, “Predicting Ion-Nucleic Acid interactions by energy landscape-guided sampling”, J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2012, 8: 2095.
13. Z. J. He*(何兆剑), K. Deng, H. Zhao, X. Li, “Designable hybrid sonic crystals for transportation and division of acoustic images”, Applied Physics Letters, 2012, 101: 243510.
14. Z. J. He*(何兆剑), S. Peng, R. Hao, C. Qiu, M. Ke, J. Mei, Z. Liu, “Extraordinary acoustic reflection enhancement by acoustically transparent thin plates”, Applied Physics Letters, 2012, 109: 091904.
15. Z. J. He*(何兆剑), H. Jia, C. Qiu, Y. Ye, R. Hao, M. Ke, Z. Liu, “Nonleaky surface acoustic waves on a textured rigid surface”, Physical Review B, 2011, 83:132101.
16. Z. J. He*(何兆剑), S. Peng, Y. Ye, Z. Dai, C. Qiu, M. Ke, Z. Liu, “Asymmetric acoustic gratings”, Applied Physics Letters, 2011, 98:083505.
17. Z. J. He*(何兆剑), H. Jia, C. Qiu, S. Peng, X. Mei, F. Cai, P. Peng, M. Ke, Z. Liu, “Acoustic Transmission Enhancement through a Periodically Structured Stiff Plate without Any Opening”, Physical Review Letters, 2010, 105:074301.
18. Z. J. He*(何兆剑), F. Cai, Y. Ding, Z. Liu, “Subwavelength imaging of acoustic waves by a canalization mechanism in a two-dimensional phononic crystal”, Applied Physics Letters, 2008, 93:233503.
19. Z. J. He*(何兆剑), S. Peng, F. Cai, M. Ke, Z. Liu, “Acoustic Bloch oscillation in a two-dimensional phononic crystal”, Physical Review E, 2007, 76:056605.
20. M. Ke, Z. J. He*(何兆剑), S. Peng, Zheng you Liu, Jing Shi, Weijia Wen, Ping Sheng, “Surface Resonant-State-Enhanced Acoustic Wave Tunneling in Two-Dimensional Phononic Crystals”, Physical Review Letters, 2007, 99:044301.