304am永利集团水利工程学院研究生导师基本信息表 |
1、个人基本信息: |
姓 名:雷超 |
性 别:女 |
出生年月:1983年6月 |
技术职称:副教授 |
毕业院校:华南理工大学 |
学历(学位):博士 |
所在学科:市政工程 |
研究方向:水环境中微污染物的控制技术及降解机理研究 |
2、教育背景: |
2013.07~今 |
304am永利集团 |
水利学院 给排水系 |
2006.09~2013.06 |
华南理工大学 |
环境工程 硕、博士 |
2002.09~2006.06 |
太原理工大学 |
环境工程 本科 |
3、目前研究领域: |
研究领域: 1. 水体中重金属污染物的控制技术及机理研究 2. 水体中新型有机污染物的控制技术及降解机理研究 欢迎具有给排水、环境科学与工程、化学、材料等背景的同学加入课题组研究。 |
4、已完成或已在承担的主要课题: |
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,51509021,自识别疏水性分子筛负载纳米Fe/Pd催化剂对环境水体中三氯生的同步吸附与催化还原降解机理研究,2016/01 - 2018/12,已结题。 2. 省教育厅优秀青年项目,20B036,纳米 Fe/Ni 双金属催化剂对湘江长沙段水体中氯代甲烷类物质和 Cr(VI)的同步去除机理研究,2021/01-2023/12,在研,主持 3. 省教育厅一般项目,14C0045,基于三氯生识别的疏水分子筛负载纳米Pd/Fe催化剂的制备及其对三氯生的同步吸附-催化还原机理研究,2014/07-2016/12,主持,已结题。 4. 国家级大学生创新实验项目---Cd2+印迹壳聚糖交联树脂的制备及其吸附性能研究,指导教师。
5、已出版的主要著作: |
无 |
6、已发表的学术论文: |
1. Chao Lei(雷超), Chunwei Wang, Wenqian Chen, Miaohua He, Binbin Huang. Polyaniline@magnetic chitosan nanomaterials for highly efficient simultaneous adsorption and in-situ chemical reduction of hexavalent chromium: Removal efficacy and mechanisms. Science of the Total Environment, 733 (2020) 139316. (SCI 一区 IF=6.551) 2. Chao Lei(雷超), Fengyi Liang, Jing Li, Wenqian Chen, Binbin Huang*. Electrochemical reductive dechlorination of chlorinated volatile organic compounds (Cl-VOCs): Effects of molecular structure on the dehalogenation reactivity and mechanisms. Chemical Engineering Journal 2019, 358: 1054–1064. (SCI 一区 IF=10.652) 3. Chao Lei(雷超), Yong-you Hu*, Min-zhen He. Adsorption characteristics of triclosan from aqueous solution onto cetylpyridinium bromide (CPB) modified zeolites. Chemical Engineering Journal, 219(2013): 361-370. (SCI 二区 IF=3.461) 4. Jituo Xie1, Chao Lei(雷超)1, Wenqian Chen1, Qianqian Xie, Qian Guo , Binbin Huang*. Catalytic properties of transition metals modified nanoscale zero-valent iron for simultaneous removal of 4-chlorophenol and Cr(VI): Efficacy, descriptor and reductive mechanisms. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 403 (2021) 123827. (SCI 一区 IF= 9.038) 5. Hanshuang Yin1, Qian Guo1, Chao Lei(雷超)1, Wenqian Chen, Binbin Huang⁎. Electrochemical-driven carbocatalysis as highly efficient advanced oxidation processes for simultaneous removal of humic acid and Cr(VI). Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 396, 125156. (SCI 一区 IF=10.652) 6. Hanshuang Yin1, Xingkai Cao1, Chao Lei(雷超)1, Wenqian Chen, Binbin Huang*. Insights into Electroreductive Dehalogenation Mechanisms of Chlorinated Environmental Pollutants. ChemElectroChem, 2020, 7(8): 1825-1837. (SCI 区 IF= 5.016) 7. Binbin Huang, Jimei Long, Wenqian Chen, Yuanyuan Zhu, Guangming Zeng, Chao Lei*(雷超,通讯作者). Linear free energy relationships of electrochemical and thermodynamic parameters for the electrochemical reductive dechlorination of chlorinated volatile organic compounds (Cl VOCs). Electrochimica Acta, 208 (2016):195–201. (SCI 一区 IF=4.803) 8. Binbin Huang, Wentao Qian, Chunxiao Yu, Tao Wang, Guangming Zeng, Chao Lei* (雷超,通讯作者). Effective catalytic hydrodechlorination of o-, p- and m-chloronitrobenzene over Ni/Fe nanoparticles: Effects of experimental parameter and molecule structure on the reduction kinetics and mechanisms. Chemical Engineering Journal, 306 (2016) 607–618. (SCI 一区 IF=5.31) 9. Binbin Huang, Tao Wang, Zhan Yang, Wentao Qian, Jimei Long, Guangming Zeng, Chao Lei*(雷超,通讯作者). Iron-Based Bimetallic Nanocatalysts for Highly Selective Hydrogenation of Acetylene in N,N-Dimethylformamide at Room Temperature. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng, DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.6b02413. (SCI 一区 IF=5.267) 10. Binbin Huang*, Chao Lei(雷超), Chaohai Wei, Guangming Zeng. Chlorinated volatile organic compounds (Cl-VOCs) in environment- Sources, potential human health impacts, and current remediation technologies. Environment International, 71(2014): 118–138. (SCI 一区 IF=5.56,热点论文,高被引论文) 11. Binbin Huang*, Tao Wang, Chao Lei(雷超), Wenqian Chen, Guangming Zeng, Flavio Maran. Highly efficient and selective catalytic hydrogenation of acetylene in N,N-dimethylformamide at room temperature. Journal of catalysis, 339 (2016): 14 – 20. (SCI 一区TOP IF=7.35) 12. Binbin Huang*, Yuanyuan Zhu, Jing Li, Guangming Zeng, Chao Lei(雷超). Uncovering the intrinsic relationship of electrocatalysis and molecular electrochemistry for dissociative electron transfer to polychloroethanes at silver cathode. Electrochimica Acta, 2017, 231: 590-600. (SCI 一区 IF=4.803) 13. 卢文静, 雷超*(通讯作者), 万俊力, 杨红, 龙颖, 陈春秀. Cu2+印迹交联壳聚糖微球制备及其对水中Cu2+的吸附研究[J]. 水处理技术, 2018,44(6):65-70. (CSCD中文核心). 14. 何敏祯,胡勇有*,雷超,任源. HDTMA改性沸石对三氯生的吸附特性研究[J].环境科学学报, 2013,33(1):20-29. (CSCD中文核心).
7、所获学术荣誉及学术影响: |
1. 国际水协会(IWA)会员; 2. 国家注册环境影响评价师。 3. Journal of catalysis, Science of the Total Environment, Chemical Engineering Journal等SCI国际期刊审稿人。 4. 指导研究生获得科研创新项目(贺妙华,2019)、国家级本科生创新实验项目(卢文静,2015)、校级优秀毕业设计(黄衍麟,2019) |
8、联系电话:18229776132 联系邮箱:leichao505@163.com |