304am永利集团水利工程学院研究生导师基本信息表 |
1、个人基本信息: |
姓 名:孙聚龙 |
性 别:男 |
出生年月:1989.03 |
技术职称:讲师 |
毕业院校:湖南大学 |
学历(学位):博士 |
所在学科:给排水科学与工程 |
2、学习和工作经历: |
2022.09至今 |
304am永利集团 |
讲师 |
2020.07-2022.08 |
304am永利集团 |
博士后 |
2016.09-2020.07 |
湖南大学 |
市政工程,博士 |
2013.09-2016.07 |
304am永利集团 |
水利工程,硕士 |
2008.09-2012.07 |
郑州大学 |
水利水电工程,学士 |
3、目前研究领域: |
1、水污染控制理论与技术 2、消毒副产物生成与控制 3、深度处理与高级氧化技术 |
4、主持在研或已完成主要课题: |
[1]湖南省自然科学基金青年项目,2021JJ40596,2021.1-2013.12,主持; [2]湖南省环境保护河湖疏浚污染控制工程技术中心开放基金项目,2020.08-2021.12,主持; [3]304am永利集团水利工程学院博士后科研助推项目,2020.08-2022.08,主持; [4]国家自然科学基金面上(51878257),2019.01-2022.12年,参与; [5]国家重点研发计划子课题(2019YFD1100103-04),2019.01-2022.12,参与. |
5、主要科研成果(发表学术论文、出版著作、授权发明专利): |
[1]Julong Sun, ChangboJiang, ZhiyuanWu, YizhuangLiu, Shiquan Sun, A review on the progress of the photocatalytic removal of refractory pollutants from water by BiOBr-based nanocomposites, Chemosphere, 2022, 308:136107. [2]Junshu Wang, Lingjun Bu*, Yangtao Wu, Julong Sun*, Guangchao Li, Shiqing Zhou, Disinfection profiles and mechanisms of E. coli, S. aureus, and B. subtilis in UV365/chlorine process: Inactivation, reactivation, and DBP formation, Separation and Purification Technology, 2022, 287:120584. [3]Julong Sun, Shiqing Zhou*, Da Sheng, Nan Li, Jue Wang, Changbo Jiang. Elimination of β-N-methylamino-L-alanine (BMAA) during UV/chlorine process: Influence factors, transformation pathway and DBP formation. Chemosphere, 2021, 284:131426. [4]Lingjun Bu, Julong Sun, Yangtao Wu, Weiqiu Zhang, Xiaodi Duan, Shiqing Zhou*, Dionysios D. Dionysiou, John C. Crittenden. Non-negligible risk of chloropicrin formation during chlorination with the UV/persulfate pretreatment process in the presence of low concentrations of nitrite. Water Research, 2020, 168: 115194. [5]Julong Sun, Lingjun Bu⁎, Shiyang Chen, Xianlei Lu, Yangtao Wu, Zhou Shi, Shiqing Zhou⁎. Oxidation of Microcystic-LR via the solar/chlorine process: Radical mechanism, pathways and toxicity assessment. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2019, 183: 109509. [6]Julong Sun, Lingjun Bu, Lin Deng, Zhou Shi, Shiqing Zhou⁎, Removal of Microcystis aeruginosa by UV/chlorine process: Inactivation mechanism and microcystins degradation.Chemical Engineering Journal ,2018, 349:408-415. |
6、所获学术荣誉及学术影响: |
7、联系电话:15575977135 联系邮箱:jlsun@csust.edu.cn |