304am永利集团水利工程学院研究生导师基本信息表 |
1、个人基本信息: |
姓 名:曹姣 |
性 别:女 |
出生年月:1996年4月 |
技术职称:讲师 |
毕业院校:湖南大学 |
学历(学位):博士 |
所在学科:土木水利 |
2、学习和工作经历: |
2021.07至今 |
304am永利集团,水利与环境工程学院 |
讲师 |
2016.09-2021.06 |
湖南大学,环境科学与工程学院(硕博连读) |
博士 |
2012.09-2016.07 |
武汉科技大学,资源与环境工程学院 |
学士 |
3、目前研究领域: |
水污染控制工程、新型环境功能材料、新污染物迁移转化及生态效应 |
4、主持在研或已完成主要课题: |
1、湖南省科技厅青年项目,2023JJ40028,分级多孔的三维M-Fe-MILs/生物质气凝胶持续活化过硫酸盐修复抗生素污染水体的效能和机制,2023.01-2025.12,主持; 2、湖南省水利厅科技项目,XSKJ2023059-42,水动力变化下洞庭湖中持久性有机污染物风险评估及治理对策研究,2024.01-2025.12,主持; 3、国家环境保护重金属污染监测重点实验室开放基金项目,SKLMHM202306,上覆水环境变化对洞庭湖沉积物重金属释放机制研究,2023.12-2024.12,主持; 4、湖南省教育厅优秀青年项目,21B0280,空间限域型催化剂活化过硫酸盐对畜禽养殖废水中抗生素去除行为及机理的研究,2021.09-2024.08,主持; 5、国家自然科学基金面上项目,51878258,基于宏基因组学的抗性基因在城市污泥厌氧消化过程中的行为机制及削减方法研究,2019.01-2021.12,参与; 6、郴州国家可持续发展议程创新示范区建设专项,2019sfq16,东江湖流域主要污染溯源解析及防治对策研究,2019.10-2021.10,参与。 |
5、主要科研成果(发表学术论文、出版著作、授权发明专利): |
[1] Jiao Cao, Zhaohui Yang*, Weiping Xiong, Yaoyu Zhou, Yanrong Peng, Xin Li, Chengyun Zhou, Rui Xu, Yanru Zhang. One-step synthesis of Co-doped UiO-66 nanoparticle with enhanced removal efficiency of tetracycline: Simultaneous adsorption and photocatalysis. Chemical Engineering Journal, 353 (2018) 126.(ESI热点论文6次上榜、高被引论文) [2] Zhaohui Yang*, Jiao Cao, Yupeng Chen, Xin Li, Weiping Xiong, Yaoyu Zhou, Chengyun Zhou, Rui Xu, Yanru Zhang. Mn-doped Zirconium Metal-Organic Framework as an effective adsorbent for removal of tetracycline and Cr(VI) from aqueous solution. Microporous & Mesoporous Materials, 277 (2019) 277. [3] Jiao Cao, Saiwu Sun, Xin Li, Zhaohui Yang*, Weiping Xiong, You Wu, Meiying Jia, Yaoyu Zhou, Chengyun Zhou, Yanru Zhang. Efficient charge transfer in aluminum-cobalt layered double hydroxide derived from Co-ZIF for enhanced catalytic degradation of tetracycline through peroxymonosulfate activation. Chemical Engineering Journal, 382 (2020) 122802.(ESI高被引论文) [4] Jiao Cao, Zhaohui Yang*, WeipingXiong*, YaoyuZhou, YouWu, Meiying Jia, Saiwu Sun, Chengyun Zhou, YanruZhang, Renhua Zhong. Peroxymonosulfate activation of magnetic Co nanoparticles relative to an N-doped porous carbon under confinement: Boosting stability and performance. Separation and Purification Technology, 10 (2020), 117237. [5] Jiao Cao, Zhaohui Yang*, Weiping Xiong*, Yaoyu Zhou, You Wu, Meiying Jia, Chengyun Zhou, Zhengyong Xu. Ultrafine metal-based species confined in metal-organic frameworks: Fabrication, characterization, and photocatalytic applications. Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 439 (2021) 213924. [6] Jiao Cao, Zhaohui Yang* Weiping Xiong*, Yaoyu Zhou, You Wu, Meiying Jia, Haihao Peng, Yuxin Yuan, Yinping Xiang, Chengyun Zhou. Three-dimensional MOF-derived hierarchically porous aerogels activate peroxymonosulfate for efficient organic pollutants removal. Chemical Engineering Journal, 427 (2022) 130830. [7] Chunyan Du, Yinchu Lv, Jiao Cao*, Hao Zhu, Yin Zhang, Yulv Zou, Huaiyuan Peng, Wei Dong, Lu Zhou, Guanlong Yu, Hanbo Yu, Jingyi Jiang. Removal of oxytetracycline from water by S-doped MIL-53 (Fe): Synergistic effect of surface adsorption and persulfate activation[J]. Environmental Research, 2023: 116842. [8] Haihao Peng, Jiao Cao, Weiping Xiong*, Zhaohui Yang*, Meiying Jia, Saiwu Sun, Zhengyong Xu, Yanru Zhang. Two-dimension N-doped nanoporous carbon from KCl thermal exfoliation of Zn-ZIF-L: efficient adsorption for tetracycline and optimizing of response surface model. Journal of Hazards Materials, 402 (2021), 123498.(ESI高被引论文) [9] Fang Liu, Jiao Cao, Zhaohui Yang*, Weiping Xiong*, Zhengyong Xu, Peipei Song, Meiying Jia. Heterogeneous activation of peroxymonosulfate by cobalt-doped MIL-53(Al) for efficient tetracycline degradation in water: Coexistence of radical and non-radical reactions. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 581 (2021) 195.(ESI高被引论文) [10] Weixiang Li, Jiao Cao, Weiping Xiong*, Zhaohui Yang*, Saiwu Sun, Meiying Jia. In-situ growing of metal-organic frameworks on three-dimensional iron network as an efficient adsorbent for antibiotics removal. Chemical Engineering Journal, 392 (2020) 124844. 已授权专利: [1] 授权国家发明专利。【发明人】:曹姣,杨朝晖,熊炜平,李鑫,徐锐,张燕茹,科托(Kito Ahmad),谢靓程,金佳慧。【发明名称】:钴离子掺杂金属有机骨架材料及其制备方法。【专利号】:ZL201810089625.8。【授权公告日】:2020年8月28日。 [2] 授权国家发明专利。【发明人】:曹姣,杨朝晖,熊炜平,李鑫,徐锐,张燕茹,科托(Kito Ahmad),谢靓程,金佳慧。【发明名称】:利用钴离子掺杂金属有机骨架材料吸附并光催化降解水体中抗生素的方法。【专利号】:ZL201810088770.4。【授权公告日】:2019年11月29日。 出版著作: [1] 徐峥勇,曹姣,贾美莹,周勤,陈雯岚,刘婕丝,国家可持续发展议程创新示范区建设—郴州市的实践探索与经验,中南大学出版社,2022年。 |
6、所获学术荣誉及学术影响: |
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental、Journal of Cleaner Production、Chemical Engineering Journal、Science of the Total Environment、Chemosphere、Environmental Pollution 等期刊审稿人。入选ESI 1‰热点论文1篇;入选ESI 1%高被引论文3篇;入选2023全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单。 |
7、联系电话:15084963987 联系邮箱:caojiao@csust.edu.cn |