12月9日至12日,“The 8th International Conference on the Application of Physical Modelling in Coastal and Port Engineering and Science (CoastLab2020) 国际学术会议”在浙江大学舟山校区召开。该会议每两年一届,本届会议是“International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR)” 85周年庆典的重要组成部分。我院教师姚宇、屈科、邓斌、伍志元、黄筱云、陈龙、刘易庄教师参加了本次会议。
在本次会议上,姚宇做了为题“Flow characteristics around the reef surf zone under the combined effects of wave and current”的学术报告;并担任“P2 Coastal and ocean structures, breakwaters, and revetments”分会场的主席。屈科做了为题“Numerical investigation of transformation and runup of solitary wave over permeable fringing reef using a non-hydrostatic model”的学术报告。陈龙做了为题“An effective framework for wake predictions of tidal-current turbines”的学术报告。
(文/图 姚宇)