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作者: 来源:  日期:2023年03月24日 人气:


曾栋坪,男,1994年,中共党员,博士, 武汉大学流体机械及工程专业




1.流体机械流动特性研究 2.可再生能源系统优化运行研究 3.抽水蓄能电站技术及应用研究;




[1] Zeng D, Wu N, Xie L, et al. An experimental study of a spring-loaded needle-free injector: Influence of the ejection volume and injector orifice diameter[J]. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2019, 33(11): 5581-5588.

[2] Zeng D, Wu N, Qian L, et al. Experimental investigation on penetration performance of larger volume needle-free injection device[J]. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2020, 34(9): 3897-3909.

[3] Zeng D, Wu N, Qian L, et al. A Novel Controllable Pneumatic Needle-Free Injection System for Larger-Volume Drug Delivery[J]. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2020, 109(5): 1772-1779.

[4] Zeng D, Kang Y, Xie L, et al. A mathematical model and experimental verification of optimal nozzle diameter in needle-free injection[J]. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2018, 107(4): 1086-1094.

[5] 曾栋坪, 康勇, 刘忠. 驱动压力调节对可控型射流注射系统性能的影响[J]. 振动与冲击, 2023, 42(05): 7-12+20.

[6] Wang Z, Zeng D. Preparation of devulcanized ground tire rubber with supercritical carbon dioxide jet pulverization[J]. Materials Letters, 2021, 282: 128878.

[7] 伍妮,曾栋坪,康勇. 黏度对微射流注射特性的影响[J]. 振动与冲击, 2021, 40(18): 10-14.

[8] Shi H, Kang Y, Zeng D, et al. Experimental study on the effect of dissolved CO2 on cavitation erosion intensity by submerged waterjet[J]. Wear, 2022, 504-505: 204418.

[9] Wang Z, Pan C, Zeng D, et al. High-quality ground tire rubber production from scrap tires by using supercritical carbon dioxide jet pulverization assisted with diphenyl disulfide[J]. Powder Technology, 2022, 398: 117061.

[10] Xu J, Kang Y, Zeng D, et al. Dynamic Mechanical Behavior of Granite under the Effects of Strain Rate and Temperature[J]. International Journal of Geomechanics, 2020, 20(2): 04019177-04019171-04019112.

[11] Ding X, Kang Y, Zeng D, et al. Experimental Investigation on Surface Quality Processed by Self-Excited Oscillation Pulsed Waterjet Peening[J]. Materials, 2017, 10: 989.


1射流速度可控的双流道式无针注射装置及方法 (发明专利ZL202011286891.3

2一种旋转式注射药液快速切换装置及方法 发明专利ZL202010700681.8

