一、 基本信息
二、 教育背景
中南大学土木建筑与规划设计方向博士,美国佐治亚理工学院(Georgia Institute of Technology)建筑系联合培养博士。
三、 研究方向
四、 已完成或已承担的主要课题
1、国家自然科学基金青年项目: 有流条件下建筑通风管道-共鸣器系统的声学特性及流声耦合作用机理研究,在研,项目主持人;
五、 已发表的主要学术论文
1) Wu Dizi, et al. Hybrid noise control using multiple Helmholtz resonator arrays. Applied Acoustics 2019; 143:31-37 (第一作者,SCI)
2) Wu Dizi, et al. Noise attenuation performance of a Helmholtz resonator array consist of several periodic parts. Sensors 2017; 17(5): 1029 (第一作者,SCI)
3) Wu Dizi, et al. The improvement on noise attenuation performance of a duct-resonator system. Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering 2017; 16(3): 669-674 (第一作者,SCI)
4) Wu Dizi, et al. Two neural-metaheuristic techniques based on vortex search and backtracking search algorithms for predicting the heating load of residential buildings. Engineering with Computers 2020; 1-14 (第一作者,SCI)
5) Wu Dizi, et al. ANN-Incorporated satin bowerbird optimizer for predicting uniaxial compressive strength of concrete. Steel and Composite Structures, 2022, 45(2):281-291. (第一作者,SCI)