姓 名:张冬梅
籍 贯:湖南邵阳
职 称:副教授/硕士生导师
电子邮箱:E-mail: dmzhang@csust.edu.cn
[1] 国家重点研发计划,交通基础设施材料高通量数字化表征与智能设计关键技术(交通基础设施材料高通量数字化表征与智能设计关键技术),2023.1-2025.12,子课题负责人;
[2] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,基于路面深度方向的SBS改性沥青老化梯度行为和性能表征方法研究,2021.01-2023.12,主持;
[3] 湖南省自然科学基金青年项目,实验加速老化与室外自然老化对基质沥青性能的影响及关联性研究,2020.01-2022.12,主持;
[4] 湖南省教育厅科学研究项目优秀青年项目,基于多因素评价的SBS改性沥青等效机制研究,2022.09-2024.12,主持;
[5] 湖南省公路先进建养技术国际科技创新合作基地开放基金资助项目重点项目,基于废弃食用油和废旧橡胶粉高性能绿色沥青制备关键技术与使用性能研究,2019.12-2021.11,主持;
[6] 304am永利集团交通运输工程学院“双一流”科学研究国际合作拓展项目,基于老化梯度行为的SBS改性沥青性能表征方法研究,2020.9-2023.8,主持。
[1] Dongmei Zhang*, Yuanming Zheng, Guangchen Yuan, Hao Guo, Qian Zhou, Guoping Qian,Bo Liang. Comparative analysis of rheological and microscopic performance of SBS modified asphalt based on field aging and laboratory aging. Fuel. Volume 352.128933.2023.11.15(SCI收录、一区)
[2] Dongmei Zhang*, Yuanming Zheng, Guangchen Yuan, Yingchun Zhang , Guoping Qian, Henglong Zhang. Research on the field aging gradient behavior of SBS-modified bitumen at different depths of pavement by rheological and microscopic characterization. Fuel. Volume 329.125192. 2022.12.1(SCI收录、一区)
[3] Dongmei Zhang*, Yuanming Zheng, Guangchen Yuan , Guoping Qian, Henglong Zhang, Zhanping You, Ping Li. Chemical characteristics analyze of SBS-modified bitumen containing composite nanomaterials after aging by FTIR and GPC. Construction and Building Materials. Volume 324:126522. 2022.3.21(SCI收录、一区)
[4] Dongmei Zhang*, Zhongrui Huang, Guangchen Yuan, Yuanming Zheng, Guoping Qian, Zhangping You, Henglong Zhang. Research on the anti-aging mechanism of SBS-modified asphalt compounded with multidimensional nanomaterials based on atomic force microscopy. Construction and Building Materials. Volume 317:125808. 2022.1.24(SCI收录、一区)
[5] Dongmei Zhang*, Zihao Chen, Henglong Zhang*, Chuanwen Wei. Rheological and anti-aging performance of SBS modified asphalt binders with different multi-dimensional nanomaterials. Construction and Building Materials, 2018,188: 409–416. (SCI收录、一区)
[6] Zihao Chen, Dongmei Zhang*, Yingchun Zhang, et al. Influence of multi-dimensional nanomaterials composite form on thermal and ultraviolet oxidation aging resistances of SBS modified asphalt. Construction and Building Materials, 2020,273.(SCI收录,一区)
[1] 福建省科技进步二等奖,
[2] 首批国家级一流本科课程(虚拟仿真实验教学一流课程),间歇式沥青混合料搅拌站构造原理与生产控制虚拟仿真实验,排名第四;
[3] 交通教育科学研究优秀成果奖三等奖,道路工程本科生工程实践能力培养体系改革,排名第四;
[4] 2020年304am永利集团教学竞赛青年组一等奖;
[5] 304am永利集团教学能手。
姓 名:张冬梅
籍 贯:湖南邵阳
职 称:副教授/硕士生导师
电子邮箱:E-mail: dmzhang@csust.edu.cn
[1] 国家重点研发计划,交通基础设施材料高通量数字化表征与智能设计关键技术(交通基础设施材料高通量数字化表征与智能设计关键技术),2023.1-2025.12,子课题负责人;
[2] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,基于路面深度方向的SBS改性沥青老化梯度行为和性能表征方法研究,2021.01-2023.12,主持;
[3] 湖南省自然科学基金青年项目,实验加速老化与室外自然老化对基质沥青性能的影响及关联性研究,2020.01-2022.12,主持;
[4] 湖南省教育厅科学研究项目优秀青年项目,基于多因素评价的SBS改性沥青等效机制研究,2022.09-2024.12,主持;
[5] 湖南省公路先进建养技术国际科技创新合作基地开放基金资助项目重点项目,基于废弃食用油和废旧橡胶粉高性能绿色沥青制备关键技术与使用性能研究,2019.12-2021.11,主持;
[6] 304am永利集团交通运输工程学院“双一流”科学研究国际合作拓展项目,基于老化梯度行为的SBS改性沥青性能表征方法研究,2020.9-2023.8,主持。
[1] Dongmei Zhang*, Yuanming Zheng, Guangchen Yuan, Hao Guo, Qian Zhou, Guoping Qian,Bo Liang. Comparative analysis of rheological and microscopic performance of SBS modified asphalt based on field aging and laboratory aging. Fuel. Volume 352.128933.2023.11.15(SCI收录、一区)
[2] Dongmei Zhang*, Yuanming Zheng, Guangchen Yuan, Yingchun Zhang , Guoping Qian, Henglong Zhang. Research on the field aging gradient behavior of SBS-modified bitumen at different depths of pavement by rheological and microscopic characterization. Fuel. Volume 329.125192. 2022.12.1(SCI收录、一区)
[3] Dongmei Zhang*, Yuanming Zheng, Guangchen Yuan , Guoping Qian, Henglong Zhang, Zhanping You, Ping Li. Chemical characteristics analyze of SBS-modified bitumen containing composite nanomaterials after aging by FTIR and GPC. Construction and Building Materials. Volume 324:126522. 2022.3.21(SCI收录、一区)
[4] Dongmei Zhang*, Zhongrui Huang, Guangchen Yuan, Yuanming Zheng, Guoping Qian, Zhangping You, Henglong Zhang. Research on the anti-aging mechanism of SBS-modified asphalt compounded with multidimensional nanomaterials based on atomic force microscopy. Construction and Building Materials. Volume 317:125808. 2022.1.24(SCI收录、一区)
[5] Dongmei Zhang*, Zihao Chen, Henglong Zhang*, Chuanwen Wei. Rheological and anti-aging performance of SBS modified asphalt binders with different multi-dimensional nanomaterials. Construction and Building Materials, 2018,188: 409–416. (SCI收录、一区)
[6] Zihao Chen, Dongmei Zhang*, Yingchun Zhang, et al. Influence of multi-dimensional nanomaterials composite form on thermal and ultraviolet oxidation aging resistances of SBS modified asphalt. Construction and Building Materials, 2020,273.(SCI收录,一区)
[1] 福建省科技进步二等奖,
[2] 首批国家级一流本科课程(虚拟仿真实验教学一流课程),间歇式沥青混合料搅拌站构造原理与生产控制虚拟仿真实验,排名第四;
[3] 交通教育科学研究优秀成果奖三等奖,道路工程本科生工程实践能力培养体系改革,排名第四;
[4] 2020年304am永利集团教学竞赛青年组一等奖;
[5] 304am永利集团教学能手。