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技术职称: 副教授


























Kun Xie, Shiming He, Xin Wang, Dafang Zhang, Keqin Li, Cooperative Routing in Multi-Radio Multi-Hop Wireless Network, InTech, 10157, 2017.5.11



1. Shiming He, Genxin Li, Kun Xie, Pradip Kumar Sharma, Fusion Graph Structure Learning-based Multivariate Time Series Anomaly Detection with Structured Prior Knowledge, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, Accept.(SCI,一区,CCF A类期刊)

2. Shiming He, Zhuozhou Li, Jin Wang, Naixue Xiong, Intelligent Detection for Key Performance Indicators in Industrial-Based Cyber-Physical Systems, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2021, 17(8):5799-5809, 10.1109/TII.2020.3036168.(SCI一区)

3. Shiming He, Meng Guo, Zhuozhou Li, Ying Lei, Siyuan Zhou, Kun Xie, NEAL N. Xiong, Joint Matrix Factorization and Clustering Scheme for Irregular Time Series Data. Information Sciences. 2023, 644, 119220. 10.1016/j.ins.2023.119220 (SCI,一区,CCF B期刊)

4. Jin Wang, Liu Wang, Shiming He*, Osama Alfarraj, Amr Tolba, R. Simon Sherratt. SA-RFR: Self-attention based Recurrent Feature Reasoning for Image Inpainting with Large-missing Area. Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences, 2022, 12:31 (SCI一区)

5. Shiming He, Genxin Li, Tongzhijian Yi, Osama Alfarraj, Amr Tolba, Arun Kumar Sangaiah, R. Simon Sherratt, Graph Structure Learning-based Multivariate Time Series Anomaly Detection in Internet of Things for Human-Centric Consumer Applications, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 10.1109/TCE.2024.3409391;(SCI,二区)

6. Shiming He, Kun Xie, Kexin Xie, Chuan Xu, Jin Wang, Interference-aware Multi-source Transmission in Multi-radio and Multi-channel Wireless Network.IEEE Systems Journal, 2019, 13(3): 2507-2518. 10.1109/JSYST.2019.2910409 (SCI,二区,高被引、热点论文)

7. Shiming He, Zhuozhou Li, Yangning Tang, Zhuofan Liao, Feng Li and Se-Jung Lim, Parameters Compressing in Deep Learning, CMC: Computers, Materials & Continua, 2020, 62(1):321-336, 10.32604/cmc.2020.06130 (SCI高被引论文)

8. Shiming He, Genxin Li, Jin Wang, Kun Xie, Pradip Kumar Sharma. Uni-directional graph structure learning-based multivariate time series anomaly detection with dynamic prior knowledge. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13042-024-02212-5(SCI)

9. Shiming He, Deng Tuo, Bowen Chen, R. Simon Sherratt, Jin Wang*, Unsupervised Log Anomaly Detection Method Based on Multi-feature, CMC: Computers, Materials & Continua 2023, 76(1): 517-541. https://doi.org/10.32604/cmc.2023.037392 (SCI)

10. Shiming He, Meng Guo, Bo Yang, Osama Alfarraj, Amr Tolba, Pradip Kumar Sharma, Xi'ai Yan, Fine-Grained Multivariate Time Series Anomaly Detection in IoT, CMC: Computers, Materials & Continua, 2023, 75(3): 5027-5047. https://doi.org/10.32604/cmc.2023.038551.(SCI)

11. Jin Wang, Changqing Zhao, Shiming He*, Yu Gu, Osama Alfarraj, Ahed Abugabah, LogUAD: Log Unsupervised Anomaly Detection Based on Word2Vec, Computer Systems Science and Engineering, 2022, 41(3):1207-1222.(SCI)

12. Jin Wang, Yangning Tang, Shiming He*, Changqing Zhao, Pradip Kumar Sharma, Osama Alfarraj, Amr Tolba, LogEvent2vec: LogEvent-to-Vector Based Anomaly Detection for Large-Scale Logs in Internet of Things, Sensors, 2020, 20, 2451.(SCI)

13. Shiming He, Yangning Tang, Zhuozhou Li, Feng Li, Kun Xie, Hye-jin Kim, and Gwang-jun Kim. Interference-Aware Routing for Difficult Wireless Sensor Network Environment with SWIPT. Sensors 2019, 19(18), 3978. doi:10.3390/s19183978. (SCI)

14. Shiming He, Kun Xie, Xuhui Zhou, Thabo Semong, Jin Wang . Multi-Source Reliable Multicast Routing with QoS Constraints of NFV in Edge Computing. Electronics. 2019, 8(10), 1106; https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics8101106 (SCI)

15. Shiming He, Kun Xie, Weiwei Chen, Dafang Zhang, Jigang Wen, Energy-aware Routing for SWIPT in Multi-hop Energy-constrained Wireless Network, IEEE Access, 2018, 6: 17996-18008(SCI)

16. Weiwei Chen, Chin-Tau Lea, Shiming He, Yuanzhe Xuan, Opportunistic Routing and Scheduling for Wireless Networks, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2017, 16(1): 320~331.(SCI,CCF B)

17. Shiming He, Weini Zeng, Kun Xie, Hongming Yang, Mingyong Lai, Xin Su, PPNC: Privacy Preserving Scheme for Random Linear Network Coding in Smart Grid, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 2017, 11(3):1510-1533.(SCI)

18. Kun Xie, Kexin Xie, Shiming He*, Daqiang Zhang, Jigang Wen, Jaime Lloret, Busy Tone Based Channel Access Control for Cooperative Communication, Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, 2015, 26(10):1173~1188(SCI)

19. Shiming He, Dafang Zhang*, Kun Xie, Hong Qiao, Ji Zhang, Channel Aware Opportunistic Routing in Multi-radio Multi-channel Wireless Mesh Network, Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 2014, 29(3):487-501.(SCI,CCF B)

20. Shiming He, Dafang Zhang, Kun Xie, Hong Qiao, Ji Zhang, A Distributed Low-complexity Channel Assignment for Opportunistic Routing, China Communications, 2012, 9(11):9-22.(SCI)

21. Shiming He, Dafang Zhang, Kun Xie, Ji Zhang, Hong Qiao, JORCA: Joint Opportunistic Routing Selection and Channel Assignment, International Journal of Embedded Systems, 2014, 6(2/3): 148-158. (EI)

22. Shiming He, Dafang Zhang, Kun Xie, Ji Zhang, Hong Qiao, Opportunistic Routing for Multiple Multicast flows in Wireless Mesh Networks, International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing, 2014, 7(1):84-93.(EI)

23. 何施茗,张大方,谢鲲,张继,乔宏,多并发流无线网状网中的机会路由算法,电子学报,201442(5):1004~1008.(EI)


24. Shiming He, Ying Lei, Ying Zhang, Kun Xie, Pradip Kumar Sharma, Parameter-Efficient Log Anomaly Detection based on Pre-training model and LORA, The 34th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE 2023). Florence, Italy, October 2023, pp. 207-217 (CCF B).

25. Shiming He, Genxin Li, Qinqing Guo, Kun Xie, Multi-Graph Structure Learning-based Multivariate Time Series Anomaly Detection with Extended Prior Knowledge, The 28th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD 2024). Tingjing, China, May 2024 (CCF C).

26. Shiming He, Chenxi Guo, Memory-efficient anomaly detection method for online data streams, The 27th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD 2024). Tianjin, China, May 2024 (CCF C)

27. Shiming He, Kun Xie, Weiwei Chen, Dafang ZhangJigang Wen, Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer for Multi-hop Energy-constrained Wireless Network. The 12th International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications(WASA 2017), Guilin, China, June 18-20, 2017. (CCF C)

28. Shiming He, Ying Li, Kun Xie, Xin Su, Weini Zeng. Efficient Privacy-Preserving kNN Query in Mobile Sensing Systems. IEEE 22nd International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS), Wuhan, China, Dec 13-16, 2016 (CCF C)

29. Shiming He, Kun Xie, Kexin Xie, Zhetao Li, Chuan Xu, Interference-aware Multi-source Transmission, IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (ISPA)Tianjin, China, August 23-26, 2016. (CCF C)

30. Shiming He, Weini Zeng and Kun Xie. Privacy preserving for Network coding in Smart Grid. The 15th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP 2015), Zhangjiajie, China, November 18-20, 2015.(CCF C)

31. Shiming He, Kun Xie and Dafang Zhang. Completion time-aware Flow Scheduling in Heterogenous Networks. The 15th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP 2015), Zhangjiajie, China, November 18-20, 2015. (CCF C)


1. 何施茗,李卓宙,王进,徐超,熊兵,邝利丹,一种基于聚类的大规模不规则KPI时间序列的异常检测方法,申请时间2021.5.30,授权时间2022.7.15,发明专利,ZL202110598652.X

2. 何施茗,李卓宙,王进,王磊,张建明,杨博,一种大规模不规则KPI时间序列异常检测方法,申请时间2020.04.24,授权时间2022.7.26,发明专利,ZL202010330615.6

3. 何施茗,李卓宙,邓玉芳,谢鲲,王进,一种干扰感知的无线携能传输路由方法,申请时间2018.10.9,授权时间2021.7.25,发明专利,ZL201811170867.6

4. 祝唯微,党倩,孙沛,何施茗,袁昊,柴京,赵博,金铭,一种基于联合天气信息矩阵分解的电量数据恢复方法,申请时间2017.11.15,授权时间2021.6.4,发明专利,ZL201711126675.0

5. 王进,唐杨宁,何施茗,赵长庆,曹敦,一种面向模板基于Word2vec的日志异常检测,申请时间2020.03.24,授权时间2023.12.01,发明专利,ZL202010211712.3.

6. 张大方何施茗谢鲲张继乔宏一种无线网络中联合机会路由选择和信道分配的方法, 2013.12.10, 中国, ZL201310648772.1

7. 张大方何施茗; 谢鲲; 乔宏; 张继一种多射频多信道无线网网状网信道感知的机会路由方法, 2013.12.10, 中国, ZL201310646069.7

8. 张大方何施茗谢鲲张继乔宏一种多并发流无线网状网中的机会路由方法, 2013.12.6, 中国, ZL201310648264.3

9. 张大方何施茗谢鲲张继一种多射频多信道无线网状网中适合机会路由的信道分配方法, 2011.3.8, 中国, ZL201110054796.5

10. 张大方谢鲲何施茗雷渊明基于诱骗数据包的串行网络流量控制方法, 2007.10.30, 中国 ZL200710305229.6



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